
Calcium supplements are necessary to keep bones healthy! Because we all know that calcium is an important component of the human skeleton, if not calcium, health problems. Pregnant women as a special kind of population, they eat a "two people" meal, the body nutrients not only to provide themselves, but also to provide the baby in the belly.

Ordinary people need calcium supplements in their lives, not to mention pregnant women To be worthwhile, the calcium needed to build the bones of the fetus can be supplied by the mother. The woman is generally pregnant, a few months began to calcium supplements? Let's get together.

Pregnant months began to calcium, good pregnant women calcium is the best way?1

Begin to be pregnant a few months, calcic is good

First, pregnant women began to calcium time

Pregnant women calcium supplements, not as early as possible, and not more, the better. Under normal circumstances, pregnant women calcium from fourth months of pregnancy can begin.

Early pregnancy, pregnant women calcium demand is about the same as normal people, so do not need special calcium supplementation. And after 4 months of pregnancy, the daily calcium demand of pregnant women gradually increased to 1000 - 1200 mg. At this time, the daily diet contains calcium content, has not met the baby's growth needs, so the rest of the calcium required from calcium containing food or high-quality calcium intake.

Of course, if pregnant women during pregnancy, perhaps not in the fourth months there is an obvious deficiency symptoms such as leg cramps, loose teeth, pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome, joint, pelvic pain, if pregnant women have these symptoms, that pregnant women have a calcium deficiency, also need timely calcium.

Two, pregnant women calcium deficiency: relying on bone soup and milk calcium

1. calcium effect of bone soup

Ordinary people think that bone soup most calcium, so light soup, no meat. In fact, soup, calcium is far from enough! The bone calcium is substantially insoluble in water, 1 kilograms of bone pot 3-4 hours, 1 kilograms of bone soup containing only 20-50 mg of calcium, light soup is not a calcium supplement." This means that only rely on food, soup, milk is far less than the demand that calcium supplement, the clinical findings of osteomalacia, bone loss is very common, 70%-80%'s mother or light or the performance of calcium (sleep easy to wake up, muscle twitching, etc.) these symptoms disappeared through scientific calcium.

2. milk calcium effect

Human nutrition clearly stipulates that early pregnancy needs 800 mg of calcium per day, 1000-1200 mg in the second trimester, and 1200-1500 mg at the end of pregnancy, the maximum amount of 2000 mg. Daily meals can provide less than 400 milligrams of calcium, a glass of 250ml milk, about 300 milligrams of calcium. Milk has a large number of lactose, drink two cups of milk (500 ml), total calories intake of 270 thousand cards, more than pregnant women need to increase by 200 thousand cards per day, pregnant women will gain weight, and the calcium needed is still not enough.

Pregnant months began to calcium, good pregnant women calcium is the best way?2

Begin to be pregnant a few months, calcic is good

Three, pregnant women calcium the best way

1. choose the best time to calcium

Calcium is easy to combine with oxalic acid, phytic acid and other factors, affecting calcium absorption, so the best time should be between calcium cream before sleep, between two meals. Pay attention to sleep a period of time, it is better to rest half an hour after dinner, because calcium concentration in the middle of the night and morning minimum, the most suitable for calcium.

2. a few times

This effect is better than a large amount of calcium absorption. To eat calcium, can choose a small dose of calcium, 2 ~ 3 times a day orally. Similarly, 500 ml milk, if divided into 2~3 drinks, calcium effect is better than 1 times, all drank.

3. calcium supplement, while the appropriate amount of vitamin D

Vitamin D can regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and promote the absorption of calcium. In addition to taking vitamin D, it can also be synthesized in the sun by way of the body. Enough vitamin D can be synthesized every day for more than half an hour in a sunny outdoor setting. While taking too much vitamin D, but will cause loss of appetite, fatigue, arrhythmia, nausea, vomiting and other side effects.


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