Do you want to know the map of fetal development? The women's health network will describe the full course of 1-10 months of fetal development. Pregnancy is a complex process in which the egg enters the uterus after fertilization, and the embryo and appendages grow rapidly and mature until each week of gestation varies. What will your baby look like in the early weeks of pregnancy, and the following women's health web pages tell you in detail how the fetus develops and pictures.

During the month of pregnancy, the fetus develops as follows:

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Calcium supplements are necessary to keep bones healthy! Because we all know that calcium is an important component of the human skeleton, if not calcium, health problems. Pregnant women as a special kind of population, they eat a "two people" meal, the body nutrients not only to provide themselves, but also to provide the baby in the belly.

Ordinary people need calcium supplements in their lives, not to mention pregnant women To be worthwhile, the calcium needed to build the bones of the fetus can be supplied by the mother. The woman is generally pregnant, a few months began to calcium supplements? Let's get together.

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With the pressure of social existence, more and more parents realize the importance of children's education. Children from a very young age has the power of observation, sensibility, therefore, childhood education is particularly important.

In 80s and 90s, it was good to be able to go to kindergarten before primary school. Now, not talking, walking baby also go to school, expensive early education class, which makes many people feel incredible. Is there any sense in the early childhood course?


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In the country before the two child policy is not open, many families on the birth of a second child "bounce" phenomenon. Today, the two child policy is still open, but there are still some people for various reasons choose to bounce back.

As everyone knows, it is illegal to have an extra child, and it is impossible to obtain a certificate of birth. Although bounce back, and no one will force pregnant women to abortion, but still on the child after the household registration and other aspects of the impact.


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Having a child is a great event in life and a very difficult process for women. At birth, the world's highest levels of pain are felt. But for the baby to be born safe, all the pay is worth it.

We all know that women are not to menstruation during pregnancy, but would have lochia after having children. The general clean long postpartum lochia is normal? What do women need to notice after childbirth?


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